

Publisher and owner of  the domain:

Beermiß 20
D-75323 Bad Wildbad

Phone: +49 7081 95407 - 0
Fax: +49 7081 95407 - 90

Responsible for the content: Stefan Wöhr

About KM-Gehäusetech GmbH & Co. KG:

KG: Company seat Bad Wildbad, district Calw
Local court: Stuttgart, HRA 724847
Personally liable company:
KM-Gehäusetech Beteiligungs GmbH

GmbH: Seat Bad Wildbad, district Calw
Local court: Stuttgart, HRB 732021
Managing directors: Stefan Wöhr, Jürgen Wöhr

VAT Identification No.: DE 178343135
WEEE-number: DE 20534816

responsible chamber of commerce: IHK Pforzheim
district office: Calw

Our terms & conditions

Obligation to inform about customer arbitration

Since 1st of february, 2017 we are comitted to inform if we voluntary act as a member of a supporting association of an arbitration. Currently there are neither any obligations nor requirements, so we inform you hereby that we are not willing to take part in any dispute resolution going to consumer arbitration.

Legal notice:

All photos, graphics, texts and other components ofthis website are the property of KM-Gehäusetech GmbH + Co. KGand are protected by copyright law. Commercial use of any kind of content requires the prior approva of KM-Gehäusetech GmbH + Co. KG. The personal pronouns used on this website refer to all genders. Gender-specific language is avoided for the sake of better readability.

Although all content is carefully checked and constantly updated, we cannot guarantee that all content is complete, accurate and up to date. KM Gehäusetech reserves the right to change the content on its website.

KM-Gehäusetech®, Intermin®, ElCharge® ,e-with-us®, ALUScale® and ALU-Scale® are registered trademmarks or special product names of the KM-Gehäusetech GmbH & Co. KG. The use of these trademarks is allowed only with our express prior consent. 

In addition, we refer to our Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB), which actual version can be ordered from us at any time.

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Responsible according to § 18 Abs. 2 MStV:
Stefan Wöhr
Beermiss 20
D-75323 Bad Wildbad

© 15.08.2024 by KM-Gehäusetech GmbH & Co. KG. All rights reserved